The human body is composed of about 60 trillion cells, made up of water and protein, and also calcium, iron, sodium, potassium and other trace elements. Water accounts for 70% of the human body. The bio-energy of G-Power makes water molecules resonate, accelerate the movement of water molecules and turn ordinary water into active water. After water molecules are activated, they increase the oxygen content of the human body, accelerate metabolism, eliminate waste, promote development, improve the microcirculation system and purify the blood, etc.
Based on the above, we may conclude that G-Power products are suitable for all age groups, especially those with work fatigue, heavy stress, and poor spirit, with cold hands and feet, a weak body, elderly people, slow metabolism, old waste accumulation, even pregnant women can use it safely.

When using G-Power bio-energy related products, if you feel dizzy due to your personal physique and physical condition. This is a normal reaction due to the material is adjusting your physique and accelerating blood circulation. Don’t worry, you may continue to use it. This phenomenon will disappear naturally in a short time.